A Little Fabulous

About two years ago, during the pandemic while single and living all alone in a city I didn't know very well, I was unsurprisingly suffering from severe isolation and depression. 

I did all the things one should do - time off work, therapy and medication, walks for my mental health and time with family when possible. 

And yet, there were a lot of big gapping holes in my life. Empty and void. It's by no means a unique story - pandemic single life with a dislike of zoom hangouts didn't leave a lot of ways to connect with people. I quickly stopped even trying. 

After a few months of therapy and medication I started to feel better overall and wanted to find some way to connect with people and something that would just bring me some joy! A coworker made a joke in passing about how we should all dress up on Thursdays, just cuz. It made me think... what if I just wore that party dress one day?


My closet had it's own room in my house but as it grew, the opportunities to wear any of the beautiful things I found, did not.

So one day, I just woke up, did my hair and makeup, put on the outfit and went to my home office.

The next day I did the same, and felt so much better.

The day after I took an OOTD picture.

A few weeks passed and this became an almost daily norm. 

I had found a small task of self care I could share socially and interact with others in a way that made me happy. Sharing my love of fashion, has never not brought me joy. What started out as a few IG posts has led us here. I'm happy to see you, daily or sporadically. I'm happy to play dress up or bring you along on the journey. 



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