Welcome to Full of Fabulous and hello from Full of Fabulous!
Ok, hello from Emma, me, but Full of Fabulous has been my online persona for about 10 years now so it's sort of interchangeable at this point.
I wanted to offer a bit of an intro to me & what's happening here at fulloffabulous.com as I launch this site and welcome you in.
My name is Emma. Always has been.
I'm Canadian. Also, always but I have moved a lot and had a few travel adventures.
I'm 48. That number trends upward, regardless of my attempts to reverse it.
I'm a mom, a girlfriend, a daughter, a friend.
An artist, a program manager, an entrepreneur.
Sometimes a leader, a model, a fashionista or creator.
This website was going to be one idea, and then another and then about 3 other things before I finally made sense of multiple thoughts and saw the path to bring them together. Full of Fabulous is home to 2 blogs, countless images and definitely some written words.
I should've asked someone else to write this.... but fine. This is part of how I identify and how I see myself in the world.
Join the ride and see what else I discover!